Well hopefully anyway.
Off to Towcester for the horse racing on Saturday. Free to get in and got a hotel in a village about a mile away. Moved back home a couple of weeks ago and everything is hunky dory atm and its Maggies Birthday Saturday. She enjoys going racing so if we get a couple of winners the day might pay for itself. I'll never put her off backing a horse that she picks ("because I like the name of it") as a couple of Boxing Days ago we went to Towcester and the 2nd race there was a horse with form like 000PPFP00P and she put £2 on in it with me laughing and it romped home @ 66's so what do I know?? Even 66's seemed short with 1 leg shorter than the other 3 and the jockey covered in bubble wrap.
On the poker front it was a bugger to get a letter from the publishers of Inside Poker advising that the December issue would be the last (though they are adding my remaining subscriptions copies onto my Poker Player one.) I enjoyed the reading and freerolls (never won one but you keep trying) but I suppose with the internet forums and advice etc along with the training vids it may have been a hard market place. Hopefully Poker Player will keep going for a while yet.
In my last post I mentioned poker tracking software and as luck would have it Poker Player did an summary of it in their December issue. They went for Holdem Manager over Poker Tracker and for the sake of $80 I am planning to buy it in the next few weeks. Not overly sure whether its relevent to SNG's which I mainly play but its not a big amount to lay out and I'm hoping it helps improve my profits.
Think thats enough for now
GL all.
Joke -
The latest Christmas toy has just hit the shops - a talking Muslim doll.
Nobody knows what it says yet as no-ones got the bollocks to pull the cord.
Late edit - Have downloaded Holdem Manager trial version but can't work out how to save my hand history on my hard drive from Will Hill poker. Can anyone help. Have found "save hand history locally" on the system setting option but not sure whether this saves to my hard drive and if so where??
Can anyone help?
Later post - Found it. At least I think I have. . .
February Flops
2 weeks ago