Off on hols for a fortnight in a few hours. Must admit I want it to be snowing when I go away to piss people off or at a minimum pissing down but we are in the middle of scorchio at the moment so I can't wind anyone up.
Don't get to see the sea much in Brum (unless global warming gets a move on) so can't wait to get going.
Ended up $350 up for May but I've been playing like a proper twat the past week and can't blame bad play by any villain, suck outs etc and I have lost half the $$ I gained playing pissed a week ago. (Going to have 1 more $13 90 man KO around 5ish before we go to the airport to see if I can leave on a positive)
Bankroll at just under $1.4k and though I hate setting targets I could do with getting it to $2k before my next hol (last week July) and approx $5k by Xmas so I can withdraw $3k to pay off some bills and have a free Xmas.
Looking forward to a couple of weeks away from the laptop and see if I come back hungry to play.
I wish anyone going to the WSOP all the best.
Now where are those mini Speedo's??
2 jokes today . . .
The lead actor in our local pantomime "Aladdin" was arse raped on stage last night.
To be fair the audience did try to warn him!!
A woman is given a hospital tour. She looks in a room and sees a man wanking. "Thats awful" she says to a Doctor. He explains that the man has an incurable condition. His testicles fill with semen so fast that if he doesn't have a wank at least 5 times a day he is in agony. "Poor man." says the woman.
In the next room she spots a nurse sucking a mans cock.
"Explain that then" she says to the Doctor.
He replies "The same condition but he's with BUPA!!"
Thanks for reading - Gav
February Flops
2 weeks ago